"This is my husband. He is my best friend and the person who keeps me sane. No one else in the world can make me laugh like he does, nor does ANYONE else laugh at my jokes like he does. Chad teaches me daily to be grateful and positive. He is my intellectual match and we love being nerds together.
In 1998 he fell asleep at the wheel and broke his neck at C4/C5, leaving him paralyzed from the chest down. He spent 4 months at the Mayo Clinic and almost didn’t make it home. This car accident happened at the beginning of his junior year at the U of M, Twin Cities. He continued his courses and graduated with a Civil Engineering Degree.
forward to 2005, and I walked up the sidewalk (to the home I now live
in) to begin working as a PCA for Chad. After starting, I quickly began
asking for as many shifts I could get. I loved being around him, getting
to know him, and falling in love with him. 4 months later we started
dating and the rest is history.
Many don't understand our relationship, asking if it's challenging. My answer has been the same each time: EVERY marriage is challenging, some struggle with arguing, others hide behind abuse...I happen have a husband who can't walk (something I often forget), a visible hurdle.
All marriages are unique and require hard work and patience...so no I don't feel like my relationship is more difficult. Life (as I have learned from Chad) is all about your attitude and when you choose to learn from your experiences and CHOOSE positivity, life is...well...pretty stinkin' grand."
Many don't understand our relationship, asking if it's challenging. My answer has been the same each time: EVERY marriage is challenging, some struggle with arguing, others hide behind abuse...I happen have a husband who can't walk (something I often forget), a visible hurdle.
All marriages are unique and require hard work and patience...so no I don't feel like my relationship is more difficult. Life (as I have learned from Chad) is all about your attitude and when you choose to learn from your experiences and CHOOSE positivity, life is...well...pretty stinkin' grand."